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Surf N’Climb

Rock climbing & familiy climbs - a perfect symbiosis of sports combined with surfing.

After months of exploring the cliffs of the Algarve we offer new challenges: Rock climbing and Bouldering. The rock climbing courses are the perfect adventure for everybody who wants to check and expand their vertical comfort zone. Climbing and surfing are a perfect symbiosis of nature sports. And the Algarve offers you the perfect adrenaline rush in both the horizontal and vertical axis.


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Rock Climbing

You are exactly in the right place if you want to try out a new sport that requires you to use your whole body, or if you haven’t touched the ropes for a while. You will receive a step-by-step introduction to the equipment and will learn the basics about safety and climbing techniques. In a 2-person team you will make your first top rope climb with the appropriate securing materials. There are two locations to choose from, the cliffs of the Algarvian coastline or Rocha Da Pena which is more inland.

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